Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Laughter is a unique quality endowed to mankind;
It is completely denied to the animal mind.

When humour is dwelt upon and reared,
There emanates laughter and is shared.

Roaring laughter is contagious,
And humour is surely infectious.

Laughter escalates hilarity and happiness,
And humour diminishes weariness.

One can laugh at a joke, ridiculous,
And can scoff at another one, meticulous.

One needs to be like a child, so jolly,
Egoless and innocent to laugh so merrily.

Laughter requires a bit of intelligence,
As well as presence of mind and good sense.

Benefits of laughter are numerous,
It bestows a wealth of health on us.

Laughter boosts the immunity system,
And lowers the stress hormone item.

With laughter the whole body is relaxed,
And gnawing pain for a time is axed.

Laughter prevents even the heart disease,
And a sorrowful mood is made to ease.

With a chuckle feel-good endorphins are released,
And with a peal of laughter one is pleased.

Laughter adds joy and zest to life,
And eases anxiety, fear and strife.

Laughter helps conflicts to diffuse,
And mirth in one it does suffuse.

Laughter is a resource for problem surmounting,
And has the power for good relationship enhancing.

Humour lightens one's burdens;
Inspires hope and the outlook broadens.

So let us enjoy humour and guffaw heartily,
And let us blend laughter into our lives verily.

By Chandra Thiagarajan

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